
Helping you make smart water choices is Sally's mission

Published: 18/12/2014

Ms Fraser will be working with communities in Hamilton City, Waikato District and Waipa District to keep everyone updated on how the water supply is going over summer and how people can help make easy changes to save water.

“I am really excited to be co-ordinating the Smart Water Starts With You! campaign. I hope we have a stunning summer and that everyone can make a couple of changes at home to use their water more wisely. Simple things add up to strong water savings and we can all do it,” she said.

Ms Fraser has come from an environmental not-for-profit and local government background in Auckland and has nearly completed a postgraduate diploma in planning, which has included topics on natural resource planning.
“There is a perception is that we have plentiful water supplies in the Waikato but they do have their limits, reflected in our Water Alert Levels, which are enacted if necessary. We all have a part to play in conserving water to help manage the water demands of our growing region,” she said.

Easy ideas include: selecting the load size on your washing machine if you don’t have a full wash; use a tub or a bowl to wash your veges so you don’t have to run the tap; and water you garden with a hand-held hose so that you water the plants that need it most.

At present there are no Water Alert Levels in place, due to greater rainfall in spring.

For more information on the campaign and for tips on saving water visit
The Smart Water Starts with You! sub-regional summer campaign aims to make long-term change to how we use water and is a joint venture between Waikato District Council, Hamilton City Council, and Waipa District Council.

For more information:
Kate Doran (on behalf of Hamilton City Council)
07 838 6666

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