
Smart Water use starts today - Councils move to Water Alert Level 1

Published: 07/01/2015

Water Alert Level 1 means residents can only use their sprinklers between 6-8am and 6-8pm. Hand-held hoses can be used at any time.

Smart Water Co-ordinator, Sally Fraser, says the move to Alert Level 1 is later than in previous years and has been helped by the wet weather just prior to Christmas. However, she says recent water demand increased significantly after New Year and that’s a concern for water management long-term.

“Across the sub-region we have seen a significant increase in water use in the past week, as a result of residents returning from holiday, industries re-starting and the hot weather.  We expect demand to increase from now, which is why we need to move to Water Alert Level 1.  We need the community to make some changes to save water to avoid further water restrictions."

 “Everyone in our district has a part to play in conserving water now and in the future. Making small changes, such as limiting the use of sprinklers can have a positive impact on water levels.”

She says the holiday time is also a good opportunity to get the kids involved as well.
“Let them dress up as Sherlock Holmes and they can be a leak detective, looking for leaky taps or pipes around the garden or inside the home. Plugging leaks can help save up to 500 litres a day.”

Water use is being closely monitored by the three partner councils, with regular assessments to inform decisions on whether a move to Water Alert Level 2 will be required.  The Smart Water Starts with You! sub-regional summer campaign aims to make long-term change to how we use water and is a joint venture between Waikato District Council, Hamilton City Council, and Waipa District Council.

For more information:
Sally Fraser (Smart Water Co-ordinator)
DDI: 07 838 6787

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